New Orleans COVID-19 Resources

100% of all sales from Collection VI will be donated to those most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic in New Orleans.

Half of the full donation will go towards the New Orleans Safety & Freedom Fund, which is raising money for bail & commissary funds, prioritizing elderly and immunocompromised people and people without outside support as the threat of COVID-19 inside the Orleans Parish Prison worsens. The other half of the donation will go towards a small group of informal economy workers who have been deeply impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic in New Orleans.

Learn more about the New Orleans Safety & Freedom Fund here, and find links to COVID-19 resources in New Orleans below:

Links to resources:

Via Facebook groups

Via The Lens

  • On March 13, the First and Second City Courts in New Orleans suspended residential evictions through April 24. On March 18, Gov. Edwards said all evictions and foreclosures have been suspended. Report illegal evictions by calling 311. Landlord-tenant legal assistance is available from Southeast Louisiana Legal Services. Visit their website or call (504) 529-1000. The Fair Housing Action Center is also taking housing discrimination complaints by phone at (504) 596-2100 or (877) 445-2100.

  • If you are a healthcare worker in need of personal protective equipment or other supplies, call the state supply hotline at 225-325-5900, seven days per week from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. More information from the Louisiana Department of Health.

  • The New Orleans Sewerage and Water Board, Entergy, Cox and most major internet and wireless service providers have suspended service shutoffs. Some are offering temporary free service, including Cox and AT&T.

  • The United Way of Southeast Louisiana is offering grants of up to $500 to restaurant, bar or hotel employees whose individual incomes are at or below $30,000 per year or those with children whose household incomes are at or below $61,000 per year.

  • Second Harvest Food Bank locations can be found by dialing 211.

  • The NOLA Public Schools district has a map of pickup locations for breakfast, lunch and after-school meals for local students who are out of school.

  • SAMHSA distress helpline: 1-800-985-5990. Details on other mental health services at NOLA Ready.

  • Sexual Trauma Awareness and Response (STAR) 24-hour hotline: 1-855-435-STAR.

  • Virtual Narcotics Anonymous meetings.

  • Catholic Charities can assist with completing SNAP applications/re-certifications, Medicaid applications and help with benefit enrollment checkups. Call Mary Smith: Office (504) 861-6360, cell (504) 605-9248 or Doug Kariker: Office (504) 310-6909, cell (504) 260-6443.

  • Attorneys for the Orleans Parish Public Defenders office are now working remotely. The physical office has been closed. If you need to contact your public defender, you can leave a message at (504) 821-8101. If you have immediate legal needs and need to speak with a lawyer right away, they have set up a hotline at (702) 670-1193 that will be answered by an attorney every day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

  • The Louisiana Department of Education is opening its Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) to critical personnel. Families can apply for subsidized childcare assistance for children 12 and under.

  • Louisiana 211 Network – Dial 211 to answer questions about coronavirus.

  • State Health Dept.’s COVID Toll-Free Hotline: 1-866-310-7977 (24/7, counselors available, all calls confidential)

  • La. Dept. of Insurance:

  • NEW from Insurance Dept.: “Donelon Authorizes Emergency Rule 36 to Address Statewide Public Health Threat

  • Dept. of Children and Family Services (DCFS):

  • SNAP benefits: 1-888-524-3578, text GETSNAP (no spaces) to 898211

Via the Power Coalition:

Via the Music & Culture Coalition of New Orleans

Via the Louisiana Center for Children’s Rights

  • General assistance, housing, & family resource document here

Via the Greater New Orleans Foundation

  • Service & Hospitality Family Assistance Program information here

  • Relief fund for displaced gig workers here

Via the Louisiana Fair Housing Action Center

  • Housing resources for homeowners and renters here


Via NOLA to Angola

  • Meal Kit Relief Program by No Hunger NOLA:

    • No Hunger NOLA is launching a meal kit relief program for service industry and other workers in the city, using excess foods from restaurants, as part of the Culture Aid NOLA relief collaborative. 

    • Affected restaurants, please request pickups here.

    • Anybody interested in volunteering, please sign up here.

    • Anybody interested in donating $ immediately for clamshells, etc. can do so here.

    Map of Community Feeding Locations in Louisiana

    • Our partners at the New Orleans Food Policy Advisory Committee (FPAC) have been putting together a comprehensive map of all school locations where individuals 18 and under can get grab-and-go breakfast and lunch meals. Click here for the map and more information. If you know additional sites please add them!!

    • Many school sites are offering breakfast/lunch pickups- see the list and their updated schedules on New Orleans Public School Board’s site. 

    • Additional Resource: This spreadsheet lists school meal sites that are not currently in the Department of Education's Database.    

    Legal Services:

    • Southeast Louisiana Legal Services Hotline: Southeast Louisiana Legal Services has launched a toll-free civil legal help hotline to assist low-income residents of southeast Louisiana impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic. Please call the hotline at 1-844-244-7871, Monday-Friday, from 9am-5pm. People who qualify will be matched with an attorney who will provide free legal help with civil legal issues. Online applications are also available at

    Disability Rights:

    •  If you are encountering disability-related issues, please reach out to Disability Rights Louisiana by calling 504-522-2337, or toll free number, 1-800-966-7705. While they are not taking walk-ins at this time, their services are still available. If you have a disability related issue or concern regarding to COVID-19, please call or email at: To Fill Out Online Intake Form for Additional Assistance

Via the New Economy Coalition